> The Beesley Buzz: A poem by Miss T - Echoes of her

A poem by Miss T - Echoes of her

I heard her screams of joy,

Her screams of pain.

I held the umbrella for her, during her rain.

Whether she loved me or not, I did not care,

She'd always be my best friend wherever we went. 

I realise now that's what hurts the most.

Not them leaving you but the linger of their ghost.

And I realise now,

that's the thing with friends,

you love them to bits,

then they just pretend

that you were never even there. 

And I realise now, that's what hurts the heart.

Remembering the laughs you had before you were all burnt up.

She gave me this hair tie

It's all I have left

Other than the burning memories that tore me to shreds. 

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