Miss T was sent some amazing Draw with Rob books as part of a competition she won recently. She is a massive fan of Rob Biddulph's #DrawWithRob YouTube videos and had completed quite a few of the draw-along drawings over the past year or so.
Her enthusiasm for getting stuck straight into these books shows just how much she loves Draw with Rob and it's given her the confidence to have a go at drawing almost anything!
She started on the first Draw with Rob activity book with the Penguin Blue picture and it was brilliant because it includes space to do your drawings in the book but has perforated pages in case you want to tear the pictures out and display them.
Next she did Gregosaurus (which she'd done previously on a #DrawWithRob video too!) but this time she was speedy and confident with her drawing.
And then it was onto Kevin. The loveable furry monster. That's another that she was familiar with from the videos so she seemed to start on the ones she had previously drawn drawing them so much more confidently this time around.
And still she wasn't done...So it was time for Fred Bear, who we'd again first met via a #DrawWithRob video...
As this is an activity book as well as a "draw along" style book, there were pages with other related activities too like drawing some other bears to be Fred's friends.
And a page where you draw pirate hats onto several characters! I think Miss T did such an awesome job of this that it was hard to tell what was printed on the page and the hats that had been drawn on.
And still she wasn't finished...In the following days she also did the Teddy the pug draw along, Eugene the Owl draw along, and is looking forward to dipping into the many other activities in the book too. As an activity book, it is brilliant for taking on travels too so definitely one to take with us next time we head on holiday.
She's also made a start with the Monster Madness activity book by drawing the kindness monster and then starting on the page where you get inspired by different monsters eyes to draw the monsters around them as you feel inspired.
As well as the draw along pictures, Draw With Rob: Monster Madness also has spot the difference, pages where you have to find the hidden objects in the picture, and lots of other activities to get your imaginations whirring.
The third book, Draw With Rob: Build a Story actually came in handy today for planning a story that Miss T was writing as a piece of schoolwork. Again, there are plenty of characters to draw along with such as Superhero bear which we've completed the #DrawWithRob video for previously. And loads and loads of pages to help develop your story ideas from planning a character, to plotting the beginning, middle and end of a story and finally helping you create your very own storybook! It's fantastic!
As well as being a fan of Rob's drawings, Miss T recently found out about Rob Biddulph's first fiction novel called Peanut Jones which she is really looking forward to reading as she is an avid reader too.
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