> The Beesley Buzz: Diggerland - another post from September 2017


Diggerland - another post from September 2017

Another post with photos from last year to clear some space on my phone...

Although I love to regularly enter competitions, Richard is less likely to do so. So when he has a win it feels very special.

Last year he won a family ticket to Diggerland via the Burnished Chaos blog. The ticket could be used at any of the Diggerland locations so we headed to Diggerland Kent one September day.

We had visited previously when the boys were younger but this was Miss T's first visit.

I think it is fair to say that nowadays most people have heard of Diggerland - a theme park where the rides are REAL DIGGERS! It's certainly a unique concept and we've been impressed each time we have visited.
We got there nice and early ready for opening time to beat the crowds.
One of the great things about Diggerland is that it doesn't seem to have the massive queues that so many other theme parks struggle with. That is definitely a bonus knowing that queuing times are relatively short. In fact we were there early enough that for the first couple of rides we went on there were no queues at all!

It was such a fantastic day out that we all enjoyed!

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