> The Beesley Buzz: Wot so funee? - When J was one (ish)


Wot so funee? - When J was one (ish)

Wot So Funee?

Once again I wanted to join in with Actually Mummy's fab wot so funee? blog hop because it is just such a great way of preserving those memories of all the silly/funny/lovely things our little ones say. This week we have been reminiscing about a couple of things J used to say when he was somewhere between 1 and 2 years old (I think! as I can't remember exactly).

We used to call him our SWEETY-pie a lot and it almost became a bit of a nickname for him. Then one day at dinner, we had a glass which had a picture of Warner Bros' Tweety-pie and Sylvester on it and we said "look there's tweety-pie". J just looked really sad and like he was about to cry and said "but I'm your tweety-pie!".

He also used to go to baby swimming lessons which he loved (and he is still like a fish in water and loves going swimming!) and whenever he overheard me telling anyone that Wednesday was Swimming day, he would come running over and say "Splash! Splash! Women" (He was trying to say "swimming" but it always sounded like "women" and it made us laugh so much.

Any funee moments to share? Join in the linky...


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