> The Beesley Buzz: 9 months old


9 months old

A few days ago T turned 9 months old. I just wanted to quickly type up a few things she does so that I will be able to remember in future. One of the reasons for blogging was to capture these sorts of family memories but there just never seem to be enough hours in the day to do life and blog everything that I would like to too!

Today T sat up in the bath on her own for the first time. Not for long though. She prefers to lie back and kick like mad to splash water everywhere.

She has only recently started sitting up unaided although she has been doing a kind of belly-slide crawl technique for sometime now.

She looks closer to 'proper' crawling as she is going onto all fours but then lifts her bum in the air and her knees up so not quite got the hang of it yet.

We got some photos printed today and noticed how much more hair she has now than she did a few months ago.

She also does this really lovely cute thing with her hands by holding her hand in the air and sort of twirling her wrist round. I don't remember the boys doing that at all when they were little.

She likes to be held up to standing position and gets a big smile on her face to show how proud of herself she is.

Weaning has been going really well. We have done a combination of baby led weaning and 'traditional' weaning and she is very confident with trying new foods and textures and she is not limited by the recommended 'age' brackets on baby food as she has learnt to chew so well.

At the moment she has two bottom teeth.

Oh and she loves singing! Even when she was just a few months old, if she started singing you knew she was tired and that has continued but more loudly now. She was even quite vocal yesterday when D was making one of his cheffing videos / blog posts (see the outtake video at the end).

So now I don't have to feel quite so guilty for not keeping her baby record book up-to-date at all!!!


  1. Shh don't tell anyone but it's probably easier to record all those special moments here on a blog rather than in one of those books :) As I said before I'm quite jealous of new mums that they can do this, as I knew nothing of blogging when my kids were small x

    1. I don't seem to do either properly! I think it is often the same with the youngest child in the family - there is just less time for photos, noting down dates / records etc. I don't think we have got around to framing a single picture of her yet. But I really must at the very least keep notes on the blog for her to look back on. x


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