> The Beesley Buzz: Reasons to be cheerful... Good Friends


Reasons to be cheerful... Good Friends

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

I spotted this blog hop a few weeks ago and thought it was such a fab idea as there are lots of reasons to be cheerful but haven't braved joining in yet. But after the day I had yesterday, and seeing one of my very favourite blogs joining in also for the first time (pollyrabbit) I really wanted just to mention one big reason to be cheerful...


I have such lovely supportive friends. After spending a lovely day with one of my bestest friends and planning another day with another of my bestest friends tomorrow, I feel cheerful. Here's the 1, 2, 3 bit in my attempt at getting it a bit right for the blog hop...

1. I feel cheerful that it is so easy spending time with good friends even after months of not seeing them...it is just like picking up a conversation where you left off.

2. There never seem enough hours to spend with good friends. We used our full 4 hours we had put on the parking meter today and it still didn't seem enough.

3. Good friends understand...they understand about Josh's difficulties, they don't judge him, they love him for who he is. They go out of their way to help to make life easier for me.

However bad a day you have had the day before, good friends help you smile (and believe it or not I was even able to laugh about some of what happened!). Good friends offer words of encouragement, help and hope.

Thank you to my special friends - you know who you are and you are the reason I am cheerful today!


  1. Such a lovely post - I look forward to reading more of your posts. :)

    1. thank you Drania for stopping by and for your comment x

  2. Lovely post, it made me smile to read it :) x

  3. Friends are always a good reason to be cheerful. I know what you mean about picking up where you left off, I've been in Cyprus for 3 years now and you can tell your good friends by the fact we can still do that.

    1. Thanks for your comment Emma. I had a lovely day with my friend today too - so i'm extra cheerful having two days in a row with two good friends and I got a lovely text message from my mother in law too which was another reason to be cheerful. x

  4. What a lovely reason(s) to be cheerful... good friends are wonderful, aren't they? I'm glad that after a tricky day yours were around you. x Thank you SO much for your lovely comments about my blog, I'm really touched. :-)

    1. thanks for popping over to comment Katie pollyrabbit. I adore your blog - so honest, heartfelt and so touching and I still think you are one of the bravest people I have come across. Although i did join in the blog hop i think i still managed to muck up the technical bit as I didn't manage to link it properly to the blog hop. Everyone elses says that bit about joining in at the end and I haven't figured out how to do that. Oh well - maybe next time I'll figure it out. x

  5. Well done you for recognising how blessed you are to have good friends. Most of mine are online but I am changing that one step at a time

    1. Online friends are extremely fab too! In fact, as much as I love my friends that I see face to face, because I don't get to see them all too often, I eagerly look forward to each evening when I can escape into this online world of such wonderfully supportive bloggers and friends. Thanks for stopping by and commenting x


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