> The Beesley Buzz: On a day like this...


On a day like this...

On a day like this, his younger brother says "I wish I wasn't in this family" and it breaks my heart.

On a day like this, I think to myself "I never realised that I'd signed up for this when I became a mum".

On a day like this I want to tell those staring faces that I'd like to see how they'd cope with him 24/7.

On a day like this, I want to tell them that I need a break...everyone needs a break from this.

On a day like this, I want him to wear a sign that tells others it is not 'bad behaviour'. Yet...

On a day like this, I feel angry at him because of his bad behaviour.

On a day like this nothing seems to work - consequences, punishments and rewards have no meaning to him.

On a day like this, he won't even remember what he has done after the meltdown.

On a day like this, the word meltdown is a major understatement.

On a day like this, I wonder what his future will hold.

On a day like this, I wish my mum was around to hold me and tell me it will all be alright.

On a day like this, I am physically and emotionally drained.

On a day like this, I feel guilty that I have no energy left for my other children.

On a day like this, I curl up and cry when the meltdown is over.

On a day like this, I think why? why? why?

On a day like this, I vow that I'll handle it better next time...but I know I won't because I don't know how.

On a day like this, I peek into his room and watch him sleeping...and I remember...I remember the thing I wish everyone understood, I remember the thing that I, of all people, should know... I remember that his brain is wired differently and it is NOT HIS FAULT.

I love you Joshua and I just wish I knew how I could help you better on days like this. x


  1. That's a lovely poignant post.

    1. thank you. I feel so much better for 'getting it out my system' and knowing that this is my space where i can escape to without feeling judged. x

  2. What a beautiful, heart-felt post. Words fail me but my heart goes out to you. So sorry your mum is not there to give you a hug :( x

  3. Oh wow, this is beautiful and heartfelt xxx

  4. That is a beautiful post. I think no-one understand the difficulties you face. It must be so hard.


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