> The Beesley Buzz: Braemar Part 1 - February 2024


Braemar Part 1 - February 2024

 Following our evening in York, we set off the next morning to head to Scotland. We stopped at the garden centre at Berwick-Upon-Tweed just south of the Scottish border to meet up with Miss T's previous RDA horse-riding instructor. She'd moved to Scotland during the pandemic and we never got a chance to say goodbye when she left. So it was really great to see her and to catch up. 

After a spot of lunch at the garden centre, we pressed on as we were keen to reach our destination of Braemar before dark. 

Reaching Scotland

Crossing the Forth Bridge

We were excited to see a few patches of snow as we got closer to Braemar

And then it got snowier! 

and snowier! 

We reached a snowy Braemar and decided to get Fish and Chips for dinner (and a veggie burger for me)

The moon looked stunningly beautiful against the dark sky but we couldn't capture it well on our phone cameras

The next morning, we got to go out in the snow

We hadn't expected there to be snow so it was definitely a bonus making everywhere look stunning

We stayed in a converted Victorian church

Miss T's joy at seeing the snow

Braemar castle was closed to visitors when we were there but it still looks beautiful to look at.

The castle was in the process of being refurbished - It looks like it is straight out of a fairytale

'When Soak becomes Spill': A sculpture by Subodh Gupta at it's new home in Braemar

See Braemar Part 2 post here

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