> The Beesley Buzz: Miss T in Toronto


Miss T in Toronto

We have about a zillion photos from our trip to Toronto last week, but I just wanted to put a few of Miss T up as her school asked more about it and we've not yet had time to do a proper write up. 

We had been invited to the Cassie + Friends #ConnectingJA family day. Cassie + Friends are an amazing JIA charity in Canada with the same passion for pushing forwards for a cure for JIA as we have at Juvenile Arthritis Research charity in the UK.

Miss T with her Cassie + Friends t-shirt at the #ConnectingJA family day

Miss T made some amazing friends - She's planning on staying in touch with them. It's incredible that something so positive can come out of having a horrible medical condition.

Following on from the #ConnectingJA family day was the Childhood Arthritis and Beyond conference

We added a day at Niagara falls to our trip

And Miss T's new friends had recommended a visit to the CN tower - It was sooo high!

Miss T's JIA flared a lot on the last couple of days - meaning that by the time we got back to the airport, she was unable to walk. We're hoping that her new injections start to work soon as she's still having a lot of pain each day in multiple joints. 

Meeting Jennifer from Cassie + Friends plus the ice hockey mascot for the scoring goals event that we enjoyed later that day.


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