> The Beesley Buzz: When your child doesn't get their first choice of secondary school


When your child doesn't get their first choice of secondary school

Our Harry Potter adoring son decided he wanted to go to Hogwarts for secondary school. So we dutifully sent off the application forms and waited. Today the secondary school places have been announced...
Full text below the images

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Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your most interesting application to join us at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We have reviewed your application and firmly believe that you would indeed make a most excellent wizard. You clearly already have the skills and the maturity to succeed greatly at this establishment.

However, things over recent years have changed considerably. The world is facing challenges and threats that it has never seen before. The battle between darkness and light is keener and more difficult than ever. In the past, this battle has raged mainly in the wizarding world, and the muggles knew little of the fight. Sadly that has changed. The muggle world is now under threat as the forces of darkness attempt to bring division and hatred between people. The worlds resources are running out, happiness and joy are seeping from the earth as though dementors stalked the planet, and people are beginning to become scared of the future. What the world needs now, more than ever before, are good men and women. Strong leaders. People who can and will make a positive difference. 

The world needs great artists, musicians and writers – people who can create joy and happiness in the darkest moments and enable others to see and hear and read of places where the light still shines, to bring them hope in troubled times.

The world needs engineers, mathematicians and scientists – to find ways to power and fuel the needs of the people without running out the resources of the earth.

The world needs leaders, politicians and powerful people – to show that hope is the only way, and to enable people to live alongside one another without hatred and fear.

The world needs chefs, cooks and bakers – to provide new cooking skills to inspire people, bring them joy and lift their souls.

The world needs many people to work together to make the planet a better place.

You, Daniel, would certainly make a most excellent wizard. However, we believe that you are too valuable to be constrained to the wizarding world. We believe that you can be one of those most important people who can bring light into the darkness. You do not need to attend this most ancient of institutions – Hogwarts – to become the man you are destined to be. You merely need to look inside of yourself, to always choose life and hope and joy, and to do all you can to be the person you were created to become. There is nothing that we can teach you that you do not already know about the wizarding world, and so we have arranged that you attend a school local to you. You will be near to your friends and continue to live with your family. There you can continue to be a person of peace and give life to the people around you.

Never forget, Daniel, that you are destined for great things. Men and women have gone before you, preparing the way ahead of you. So you can be great. You will be known for your courage, your joy, your hope. For you are a bringer of hope. You are a true friend. A loyal companion. Someone others turn to when they need help.

Always look to the light, Daniel, and never stray from the path set before you. I cannot promise that there will not be battles – but I can be sure that you will overcome them. As Professor Dumbledore once said, 
        Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, 
        if one only remembers to turn on the light. 

With very best wishes for your outstanding future.
M McGonagall
Professor Minerva McGonagall


  1. Oh wow, I bet Daniel was really excited receiving that letter. It's a shame they are turning him down, I'm sure he would make a great wizard. xx

  2. Ohh Rebecca this is wonderful, how did he like it? Mich x

    1. He was grinning from ear to ear but he did rumble us and guessed it was from us. x

  3. What a great idea - I wish all schol rejections were like that x

    1. i know - he had asked to go to hogwarts and so we wanted to do something special for him. x

  4. What a fab letter! I know a few Harry Potter fans who would love this!

  5. Oh how wonderful! What a fab keepsake

    1. thanks Rachael. He did moan that it didn't have the proper wax seal so I'm not sure it quite made the grade but he did like it nonetheless. x

  6. This is really lovely. The kind of rejection letter he can't have really minded getting! :)

  7. This is brilliant - my son would love a letter like this, even if it is a rejection it is so lovely. x

  8. What a lovely thing to do and so very cleverly done too! I think this is a letter he will always treasure.

  9. Did you really write all that? That is so cool!!! Have you considered doing this for other kids?! Sx

    1. We've been planning it for a while and Richard wrote it all up and printed it nicely ready for national offer day when everyone found out which secondary school they would be going to. x

  10. This is amazing - so saving this for when Isaac applies for his next school

  11. How wonderful! My son would love to get something like this next year.

  12. Love it! I would quite like to be a teacher at Hogwarts :-)

    1. oh brilliant - would love to know what you would choose to teach? I've met loads of people who'd love to go there but hadn't come across anyone wanting to teach there. x

  13. Ah I love this what an amazing letter, I want to go to Hogwarts ha ha x

  14. This is fab. Both my sons often talk about when they will get their letters from Hogwarts. I've booked us tickets on a Muggle Tour in a couple of months time


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