> The Beesley Buzz: Disney Infinity 3.0 on Nintendo Wii U - Our beginners guide!


Disney Infinity 3.0 on Nintendo Wii U - Our beginners guide!

We are absolutely thrilled to be working with the fantastic team at Disney, and we were so excited when our new Disney Infinity 3.0 starter kit and characters arrived. The boys have seen Disney Infinity at a friend's house and really wanted to get stuck in.

Knowing the box was on its way, I did a little bit of research to find out more about Disney Infinity and how to set it up. But despite loads of websites talking about it, very few actually gave an insight of how to set it up and what it can do. So we thought that this would be a great place to start!
Disney Infinity 3.0 is the latest in the gaming concept from Disney. Their website gives details of compatibility if you have already got Disney Infinity 1.0 or 2.0. We didn't, so we started from scratch.

Setting up for the first time
You will need a base, the game software (available on disk or download), and at least one character piece. You can get all of these in a starter kit, and then simply buy more characters and other game pieces as you wish.

Step 1. Plug the base into the Wii U via the USB connector. You can also buy the game for other consoles, and it is available for PC and handheld devices (tablets and phones).

Step 2. Switch on the Wii U and insert the game disk. Load the game.
Step 3. You will be asked to register with Disney once the game loads. This is really simple, you just give your name, email and password.

Step 4. Well, that's it really. All ready to go. To start you off there is a a demo that takes you through Star Wars, Inside Out and finally a race where you play as Mickey Mouse against Donald Duck and friends.
Once you have the game set up and have mastered the easy controls, you are good to go. With Disney Infinity you have two main ways to play, and infinite possibilities. By placing a Play Set piece on the base you can play the levels created by Disney. For these, you need to use the characters from that world (so Inside Out characters in the Inside Out world when you use the Inside Out Play Set piece, for example).
The other way to play the game is free play. You create worlds from nothing, or build on templates provided. Create vehicles, land, buildings and enemies. Then go and explore, defeat the enemies, run, drive and fly. The possibilities are truly infinite.
One of the great things about Disney Infinity is that you can switch characters whilst playing. So if you need to use a special power that your character doesn't have, take it off the base and replace it with a figure that does... and your character in the game changes and off you go! Each character has different strengths and skills, and you can develop and power them up by playing and completing challenges. Disney Infinity also has Power Discs to give additional powers to your game. These are simply placed on the base as you play.
We have had Disney Inifinity 3.0 setup for just a couple of days and only just scratched the surface of everything it contains, but we all love it!

Watch out for our reviews of some of the new sets coming soon.
Disclosure: We were sent a Disney Infinity starter kit, and a selection of additional playsets and characters for the purpose of review. All opinions are our own. 

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