> The Beesley Buzz: Butternut squash 'boats' and roasted veg with wholegrain basmati and quinoa


Butternut squash 'boats' and roasted veg with wholegrain basmati and quinoa

This recipe was entirely inspired by veg that needed using up found lurking in the bottom of my fridge. Thanks to Tilda rice sending some of the products from their latest range I was able to make even Brussels sprouts taste good! 

This recipe can actually be presented two ways - as butternut squash 'boats' or as a tower of rice. They kids loved it both ways. 

Tilda Wholegrain basmati and quinoa 
1 each of red, yellow and green pepper
Brussels sprouts
1 Butternut Squash
Goats cheese (1 slice per person)
Lurpak cook's range cooking liquid
Lurpak cook's range cooking mist

1. Cook the Tilda wholegrain basmati and quinoa according to pack instructions. 

2. Chop the peppers into pieces and peel and quarter the Brussels sprouts. Toss in Lurpak cook's range cooking liquid and cook in a preheated oven at 170c for around 35 minutes.

3. Cut the butternut squash into quarters lengthways and remove the seeds. Spray with Lurpak cook's range cooking mist. Then place in the oven (at 170c). This will need around an hour. 

4. There are two fun ways to serve this. The first is 'butternut squash boats'. Form a 'sea' of Tilda Wholegrain basmati and quinoa, place a butternut squash 'boat' on top, then fill the boat with the roasted veg and serve with a slice of goats cheese. 

5. The alternative serving suggestion is to scoop out the roasted butternut squash from its skin, add it to the rest of the roast veg. Then form a bed of roasted vegetables with a mound of Tilda wholegrain and quinoa on top and a slice of goats cheese placed on top of that. 

A simple healthy recipe to use up spare veg lurking in the fridge ( as you could use all sorts of veg as your roasted veg part of this). And really healthy too with the wholegrain goodness of the rice and quinoa. We created this recipe ourselves but you can find a lot more healthy wholegrain food inspiration in Tilda's Mood Food manual which you can download for free here. And you can see how we've been enjoying Tilda rice in our previous posts here and here.

One dish - two ways to serve it!

Thank you Tilda for sending some of your new range for us to try out! 


  1. Apart from goats cheese which I don't like, this looks really great fun meal

    1. thanks. You could switch the goats cheese for a boiled egg resting in the 'boat' bit of the butternut squash - We did that too and that worked well. x


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