> The Beesley Buzz: Kids in the kitchen - Panko chicken nuggets


Kids in the kitchen - Panko chicken nuggets

Once again Miss T has been busy in the kitchen, helping both mum and dad with the cooking ready to link up with Kids in the Kitchen. In my usual haphazard way of cooking to use up ingedients that need using up, I had a pack of diced chicken and a pack of panko breadcrumbs I had bought out of curiousity so we put them together to make Panko Chicken Nuggets.

After a quick reminder to make sure Miss T remembered not to eat the raw chicken and not to put her hands near her mouth whilst handling raw chicken (after the sausagemeat incident a few weeks ago!) we were ready to start.

So not really a proper recipe today as it is just a case of taking the chicken pieces, dipping in plain flour, then into a beaten egg (mix in a little milk to make the egg stretch further) and then toss into the panko breadcrumbs to coat.

They were then fried in rapeseed oil to start the cooking process, then finished off in the oven at 180C for 15-20 minutes until thoroughly cooked through.

Panko breadcrumbs are a japanese style breadcrumb that is lighter and fluffier so can end up tasting crispier. They turned out really well and are a much healthier option than processed chicken nuggets.

With the rest of the chicken, she helped daddy make a chicken and bacon pasta bake. This little girl just can't get enough of cooking!

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Linking up with Kids in the Kitchen:

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  1. We are big fans of panko in our house :) Miss T's chicken nuggets look lovely, Thanks for linking up again x

    1. thanks Anne. We hadn't heard of Panko until recently and then I was curious to try it out. There are probably far better recipes to make with it but this was all we could think of at the moment. x

  2. Never heard of Panko but think we'll look that out, much healthier alternative to batter :)

  3. I don't make this kind of recipe very often, because it gets so messy, but when I do everyone loves it! In fact GG has just asked this morning if she do this with tuna today. I've told her to wait until the weekend when Daddy would LOVE to do it with her ;)


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