Inspired by seeing
Raisie Bay's naan bread featured in kids in the kitchen a few weeks ago, I decided that it would be great to try to make our own naan bread.
By coincidence, I had come across another naan bread recipe in the May issue of delicious magazine at around the same time, so I'd left the mag open on that page since then as a reminder to myself.
Well we decided that today was the day. I'd mentioned it to Miss T earlier in the day so when she said 'make bread', I knew it was time to get started.
Because Naan bread is relatively flat, I had no idea that we'd need to allow 'rising' time, so Miss T helped at the start but then it was her nap time so I did the rest after that.
The full recipe from
delicious mag can be found online here and Raisie Bay's recipe for naan can be found
here. We largely stuck to the delicious mag recipe because I had a paper copy so it was easier to follow than leaving the iPad on whilst cooking.
I didn't have any white stoneground flour, so I used 400g of strong white flour and topped it up with 100g of stoneground whole meal flour. I also didn't bother to brush the naans with butter once cooked, nor scattered with any salt or seeds.
Miss T helped to measure and mix together the 100g full fat live yoghurt, 160ml milk, the half teaspoon each of salt and sugar and half a teaspoon of yeast dissolved in 75 ml tepid water. The milk and yogurt should ideally be at room temperature.
We also measured the flour together and she helped make a well in the flour to add 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil. Then she poured in the yogurt/milk/yeast/water mixture into the flour and did her favourite job - 'mix'.
The dough needs a minute of kneading, then to be covered and left for 10 minutes before kneading again for a minute or so.
Miss T loved the kneading stage and really got into pushing, poking and whacking the dough.
It gets covered again and put in a warm place, this time for 1-2 hours.
The recipe then suggests diving the dough into 4-6 balls. We managed to get 12 out of the dough as I made each smaller so it would roll thinner and cook more quickly as I didn't have a lidded frying pan that the recipe requires.
Rather than use just fingers I used a rolling pin to get the dough quite thin. Then using fingertips added rapeseed oil to both sides of each naan. Each one cooks in a matter of minutes in a dry pan on the hob.
Turn over when one side is cooked to cook the other side. This part is really similar to the
flatbreads that we like to make. If you ever need a speedier alternative to naans, the flatbreads are mega simple and quick to make but just like warm naans are extremely morish and will be eaten in one go!
I loved the softness of the naans and the elasticity of the dough. And yes they did all get eaten by the whole family in one sitting!
Linking up with Kids in the Kitchen: