> The Beesley Buzz: A Short trip to the Park #CountryKids and a week in pictures


A Short trip to the Park #CountryKids and a week in pictures

I'm getting my post ready early to link up with Coombe Mill's Country Kids on Saturday - if I forget to link up - someone remind me! And the lovely Honey from Giraffe in the Bath tagged me a few weeks ago to do a week in pictures post - so I'm going to include that here too.

The Park
We've hardly managed to get to the park lately. The really big park near us was totally submerged under water until recently and our other local parks have also been too wet to enjoy. But when Daddy managed to get home early from work one evening, we headed to our local park for a kick around with the ball.

The rest of the week in pictures:

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. We linked up a visit to the park as well. So easy To nip to Now the weather's better (apart from today) #countrykids

  2. Looks like you've been having fun #CountryKids

  3. Happy kids! We went to have a walk in the prom here as well and son loves the walk to bits!


  4. Now that the days are becoming longer and the temperatures beginning to rise a trip to the park is a pleasure for them and for us Mums too! Looks like you have plenty of free space at your park for kids to be free and runaround. Love your family photo at the end too. Thank you fr sharing on Country Kids.

  5. So many trips to the park this week! So glad it's not underwater any more #CountryKids

  6. Looks like a good week. The park is always good #CountryKids


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