> The Beesley Buzz: What's red, green, blue, yellow and filled with fun?


What's red, green, blue, yellow and filled with fun?

That might well sound like the latest joke from our own resident joker Joshua, but it's not. The answer is a Weekend Box. You may remember that last week we received a Weekend Box to try out. We were so excited and couldn't wait to get stuck in.

Finally the weekend arrived, and here's what we got up to with our Weekend Box.

There are four different colour coded activities in every Weekend Box. An instruction sheet is provided along with the materials you'll need. You may need to add everyday items but anything specific is included.

Something to Make - Blue
Our box contained instructions and materials to make a foam leaf wreath.

Something Green
Planting a winter salad.

Something to cook - Red
Yummy scrummy gingerbread recipe along with the spices you need to make it.

Something to Read or Write - Yellow
Our box contained a puzzle to work out using foam shapes and codes

You can read more about what we think about the Weekend Box in the first part of our review 'Bring on the Weekend - the Weekend Box has arrived!' and if you want to get your hands on one of your own to try out completely FREE you can go Weekendboxclub.com  and enter the code REBECCA61

Weekend Box have kindly decided that during January anyone using our unique promo code (REBECCA61) and signing up to Weekend Box will also get ALL future boxes for just £5 each (normally £7.50).

D has decided that he loves the Weekend Box so much that we will be signing up to receive them so if you want to be making, baking, cooking, reading, writing, and having as much fun as we did, head on over to: 
Made with our Weekend Box gingerbread recipe!
We do not receive any benefit from sharing the code for the Free Weekend Box and for the reduced price offer Weekend Box but are happy to share it so that you can discover the Weekend Box for yourselves. You can find Weekend box on facebook and on twitter


  1. I keep hearing about the weekend box and it sounds the perfect antidote to the winter blues!

  2. We got one of these too - aren't they a great idea!

    1. D's next one arrived and he got stuck in straight away - no waiting for the weekend for him! x


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