> The Beesley Buzz: Trinity's Ground Force #KidsGrowWild


Trinity's Ground Force #KidsGrowWild

In a corner of the garden that was so bare,

 Daddy built me a playhouse for me to share...

The house is for me and my brothers to play...
...but Bella the cat came to visit that day!
Something still wasn't right, and I couldn't put my finger on it...
 ...until Moneysupermarket.com sent me this gardening kit! 

A watering can, gloves and seeds...
Could this be just what my little house needs?

I got busy planting, it was such fun...

I got my big brothers to help, then we were nearly done! 

They potted the sunflowers and added sticks using a measuring rule,
They wanted to see who had the winning sunflower, the one that was tall!

With home-made props...

We brightened up the pots...

And then we patiently waited...
 until a few weeks later...

 Now my little house is a colourful spot...
 and one that I love lots and lots...

My bright little corner of the garden to read books with mum,

Or for some peace and quiet, I can come...

So that was Ground Force, Trinity's very own version,
to share with you her garden transformation.

But instead of our hero's being Alan, Charlie and Tom,
We must surely thank Moneysupermarket.com

This post is an entry for BritMums’ #KidsGrowWild Challenge. To join in with the linky, see here.


  1. Loving the transformation. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

    1. thanks Kate and Britmums. We really did have so much fun with the gardening kit. x


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