> The Beesley Buzz: Gentlemen and hardwomen! - wot so funee


Gentlemen and hardwomen! - wot so funee

Our Wot so funee moments come mainly courtesy of 7 year old D today:

With the new Psy music video released recently called "Gentlemen", D suddenly asked "why is there such a thing as a 'gentle' man but not a 'hard' woman?"

Then when he was moaning about needing some cutlery and there was none in the drawer, I told him to take some out the dishwasher which hadn't been unloaded. He tried to reach in but couldn't so I explained that he should open the door fully, and then slide the rack out. He did this (but must have not realised that it had racks that slide out) and said to the dishwasher "wow! you're amazing!".

I was kind of hoping that was aimed at me but alas no - it was definitely the dishwasher he was talking to.

Not quite sure how the next conversation began but it ended by D saying "This house belongs to Daddy!", to which I replied, "no - it doesn't, it is mummy and daddy's house". D's response: "Well it was daddy who started the Beesleys!"

Not quite sure what granny, grandad and the Beesley ancestors would make of that.

Then we had one last funee this week from J driving back from karate this evening. He quickly gets queasy in the car and said "I feel sick". I said "we're just 5 minutes from home." To which he responded "There can be a LOT of sick in 5 minutes!" 

Linking up with Acutally Mummy's fantastic 'Wot so funee' linky.

Wot So Funee?


  1. Love it!! I'm so glad I can't be compared to a dishwasher...well not yet anyway!! And J is quite right about the amount of sick in 5 minutes! Xx

    1. thankfully he wasn't actually sick! but that would have been horrid. x

  2. He's not wrong there 5 mins of throwing up could get very messy!

  3. So smart. I wouldn't begin to know what to say to the query about gentle men vs. hard women! Too adorable.

    1. thanks for stopping by Rachel. I didn't really know what to say either! x

  4. LOL very funny. Did you tell him that it went without saying that all women are "hard" as they have to give birth.

  5. You have kids with sharp minds!
    I love the "There can be a lot of sick in 5 mn" !!

  6. Ahhh if only a dishwasher could do all the jobs of a mother!

  7. Ah bless D thats just briliant! I remember when our toddler helped with unloading the dishwasher then took £20 out of daddy's wallet :)


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