Pushchair Trader's Ultimate Advent Calendar. Could this be the best Advent competition?
Most people have probably figured out by now that I do like a good competition. I find that being able to sit down in the evenings and enter a few (ok - a lot!) of competitions is my way of finding a bit of me time after having looked after the kids all day.
In all honesty, I just imagined that it was something that I enjoyed doing once in a while and didn't realise until a few months ago that there are others out there who actually enter competitions as a hobby. And that there is even a name for them - compers. So it turned out that without even meaning to, I had become a comper.
The more competitions, I entered, the more I won and so the cycle continued. We have had some amazing opportunities and experiences as a result of winning competitions and apart from anything else, it has also gone a long way towards helping with the household budget.
This was particularly handy when Trinity was born. Having had to give up my part-time job to homeschool the boys, I imagined the poor girl ending up permanently dressed in her brothers hand-me-downs and in the tatty old pushchair and using a freebie changing bag. But thanks to winning competitions she now rides around in a brand new Mutsy Evo, with a Taxi-stroller for those shorter trips, wearing some gorgeous dresses, holding onto her lovely Raggy-tag, with mummy carrying around my fabulous Pink Lining Yummy-mummy changing bag. Total cost: £0.
When people hear that I have won all of that, they often respond by saying "Well, I have never won anything in my life". And when I ask them how many competitions they enter, it turns out that they either never enter any because they don't think they are going to win, or they have just entered the odd one or two.
But for me, it does come at a cost. I literally spend hours entering competitions. Facebook has made it irresistable not to and this season I have spotted so many advent competitions running. Yes they are a bit of fun, yes they create a bit of a buzz, but what I have noticed is that a LOT of companies are running them, but they prizes are not all that great.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind too much. A prize is a prize and I would normally be clicking away filling in my details and entering as many as I could. But as there are so many out there that would become a full-time job to keep up with them so I have had to prioritise and focus on the ones with decent prizes that would be really worth winning.
And the best one I have found so far is...
Yep, the great Pushchair Trader series of advent competitions is well underway, with some really fantastic prizes. Day 1's prize, for example, is a Brand New Britax Affinity package worth £600! Even if you don't need a new pushchair yourself, you most probably will know someone who does.
Now I normally never pay to enter competitions but with Pushchair Trader, for a mere £12 VIP membership for a whole year, you get automatic entry into ALL of their competitions. No more worrying about even those flash competitions that only last a few hours. And not only a single entry into the competition but VIPs get multiple entries into the competitions.
In fact, over 90% of all Pushchair Trader competitions have been won by VIPs. Becoming a Pushchair Trader VIP is easy to do - just click here, or on the picture above, for more information.
If that doesn't tempt you then there are many other benefits of becoming a VIP too. Find out more here.
So I wish you lots and lots of luck this Advent season and I always love to hear about any wins. How cool would it be if someone reading this went onto win one (or maybe even more than one!) of Pushchair Traders competitions this advent and in the year ahead!
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