> The Beesley Buzz: Cutting up my favourite dress - yikes!


Cutting up my favourite dress - yikes!


Isn't this just one of the prettiest dresses you have ever seen? Yes that was a rhetorical question because I know it is.

I was so delighted that Trinity won it in a giveaway from the lovely Ella Bean Clothing and she has been wearing it as much as possible over the summer and through the Autumn. Until, alas, as babies tend to have the habit of doing, she grew out of it.

I managed to squeeze her into it a few more times leaving the buttons undone at the back but in the end I resigned myself to the fact that it was going to have to be passed on for someone else to enjoy.

But then I did something very brave (well brave for me anyway!). I decided I would attempt to make it into a skirt so that Trinity could get a bit more wear out of it and I wouldn't have to part with this dress that I love so much.

Now to put this in context, even sewing a name label onto a piece of school uniform used to fill me with dread (no - that is not the reason why we now homeschool but I suppose it is one of the advantages of homeschooling). I am just not someone who is very good with a needle and thread. When I have attempted to sew anything before I have ended up having to bin the item as it has ended up a complete disaster - so this was definitely Brave with a capital B for me.

I dug out an old brown alice band and then started to chop off the top half of the dress.

Then I proceeded to (very messily) stitch on the headband to the 'skirt' to form a sort of elasticated waist.

And this is what I ended up with...(It's ok you can uncover your eyes...it DID work out fine)...

...a lovely Autumn skirt that should see Trinity through the rest of Autumn, Winter and quite possibly even next Spring.

As well as saving a few pennies, it also means that mummy can enjoy it for much longer before having to pass it on.


  1. Wow thank you so much for the mentions, what a fantastic idea, she looks fabulous and well done you x

    1. Thanks Claire. It really was a stunning dress - I remember when I first saw the mention that I had won, my heart actually skipped a beat - it was so special. She always gets so many comments about that dress / skirt whereever she wears it. x

  2. HI It's Mrs M from Paulys Blog! That skirt is beautiful!!!!! When I was about 17-19 I started colleting girls clothes from BabyGap and bought a lemon chintz dress similar to this, and i still have it. Just no Baby Girl to put in it. :(

    I really think it was brave to make it into a skirt!!! Even though I've been doing textiles for about 15 years i still think I'd have a sweat on, making the first incision!

    Your children are beautiful and I hope one day we get to meet up! x

    1. awww - thanks for your lovely words. We've loved reading about all you do and have seen just how talented you are (I loved those fancy dress costumes you made - I loved the cat in the hat one especially!). Yes - it would be amazing to meet up one day. I know a lot of bloggers do get the chance to at somepoint so you never know. x


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